1. What inspired the two of you to start Girl Boss HQ, and how has the platform evolved since its inception?

“The inception of Girl Boss HQ was born from our deep desire to empower women and help them realise their potential for independence and success. Growing up we had nothing and we started this business with £20 between us. We both faced barriers that limited our opportunities, which fueled our passion to create a platform where women could thrive. We vividly remember the struggles we encountered along the way—imperfect training experiences that left us feeling lost and unprepared. We knew that we could do better. Our mission became clear: to establish an environment that not only inspires but also equips women with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in the beauty industry.

As we’ve grown, our commitment to high educational standards and empowerment has never wavered. We’ve continually adapted to the ever-changing landscape of the beauty & aesthetics market, embracing new regulations and challenges with open arms. Each hurdle has only made us more determined to forge a path for others. While we’ve made remarkable strides, we recognise that our journey is ongoing, and we’re excited about the future we’re building. Together, we are creating a legacy that will pave the way for generations of women to come.”

2. What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing women in the beauty business today, and how can they overcome it?

“The beauty & aesthetics industry is a huge industry, and one of the biggest challenges women face is the lack of regulation coupled with rapid changes in trends and consumer demands. It can feel like a rollercoaster ride, but here’s the truth: every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. We encourage women to embrace resilience and cultivate a mindset of gratitude. There will be moments when things don’t go as planned, but it’s during these times that your true character is revealed.


Having a backup plan is essential. Use quieter periods to innovate, learn, and refine your skills. Consider them a time to invest in yourself and your business. Find mentors, build a supportive network, and always seek knowledge. Remember, every successful woman has faced her share of challenges—what sets you apart is your ability to rise, learn, and keep moving forward. Your journey is unique, and with tenacity and determination, you can carve out your own path.“

3. How does Girl Boss HQ support and empower women who are just starting out in the beauty industry?

“At Girl Boss HQ, we believe that starting a business is a journey, and we’re here to support every step of that journey. Our aesthetics training courses provide a solid foundation, but we go beyond more than education. We create a community where women feel valued, heard, and empowered. Our courses focus on building confidence, enhancing skills, and creating a mindset of resilience.

We offer one-on-one mentorship, networking opportunities, and resources that extend far beyond the classroom. We want every woman who joins us to not only master the technical aspects of the industry but also to cultivate a sense of self-worth and purpose. We celebrate every success, big or small, and encourage our students to lift each other up. Together, we are building a sisterhood that thrives on collaboration and support, creating a ripple effect of empowerment throughout the industry.“

4. As entrepreneurs yourselves, what’s the most important lesson you’ve learned that you would pass on to other women looking to grow their own beauty businesses?

Our entrepreneurial journey has been filled with invaluable lessons, each shaping us into the leaders we are today. One of the most profound lessons we’ve learned is to always expect the unexpected. Life has a way of throwing challenges our way, and having contingency plans in place is crucial. Embrace flexibility and adaptability; these qualities will serve you well in navigating the ups and downs of business.

Another critical lesson is to surround yourself with the right people. Understand that not everyone will share your passion or vision for your business. Be selective about who you bring into your journey; seek out individuals who inspire you and align with your values. Building a strong support system will empower you to face challenges head-on and celebrate your successes together.

Lastly, prioritise self-care and mental wellbeing. The entrepreneurial path can be demanding, and it’s easy to lose sight of yourself in the process. Remember to invest in your own growth—both personally and professionally. Your journey is a marathon, not a sprint, and taking care of yourself will enable you to lead with strength and purpose.”

5. Where do you see Girl Boss HQ in the next few years, and what are your big goals for the platform?

“We are so excited to share that we’ve secured a beautiful mansion in the countryside, a dream space that symbolises our commitment to fostering success for women. This will be a place of opportunity, featuring onsite childcare and accommodations for our students enrolled in long courses. We know thr struggles mum’s have so wanted something that noone else offers. We envision it as a home environment where women can feel safe and immerse themselves in their education while feeling supported and empowered by us all! A place they can call home.

In addition to our training courses, we plan to host business events that will bring our girl boss community together, connections and collaborations. We have some extraordinary opportunities on the horizon that we can’t reveal just yet, but we promise that Girl Boss HQ is on the brink of something truly transformative. Our mission is clear: to empower as many women as possible to achieve their dreams. We are fearless females, driven by gratitude for the support we’ve received from our community, and we are committed to giving back even more. Together, we will continue to break barriers and create a legacy of success that resonates far beyond our own journeys.“